A glimpse of the production room on any weekday morning.
Pressing boxes quietly waiting to receive hot tofu curds.
From our opening celebration fall 2016.
Indiegogo campaign table at the opening.
Jeff giving a tour of the production room.
Our booth at the Common Ground Country Fair from 2017.
Crinkle-cut sea salt brined tofu fries that's our #1 seller at the fair.
"Just a note to tell you how much we LOVE your tofu! I buy it at French & Brawn and my favorite thing in the world is to bake it and eat as side dish during my lunches..... I am writing this note only now - as I happened to buy some commercial Tofu (@ Hannafords) and was SO disappointed with how it tasted compared to yours.
So - this is just a small love note. Love it! Thank you!" - K.B. Camden, ME